Primary and secondary infertility. Recurrent pregnancy loss. PCOS. Insulin Resistance. Low progesterone. Vitamin D deficient. 3 1/2 years and 3 (more) clomid cycle cautiously expecting #2!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My husband, the super sperm?

I finally convinced my husband to get a sperm sample analysis done, just in case the issue was him but also so we could have that information if this ob/gyn who deals with infertility asked for it. Well, to put it lightly he's not the issue! Looking at everything he had 520 million sperm in his ejaculation (about 40 million is normal). That in itself shocked me. All he was told was his pH level is a little high but didn't elaborate or say that was an issue but I'm looking into it. Here's his #'s:

Liquefy time: normal
Volume: 3.5 mL (>=2 mL is normal)
pH: 8.0 (7.2 or under is normal from what it looks like)
Sperm density: 149.1 million/mL (>=20 million/mL is normal)
Sperm total: 521.9 mil/ejac (>=40 mil/ejac is normal)

*Looked it up and everything I found on the pH said: "The pH of semen has not been generally found to have a major influence on a man's fertility potential." (came from

This is where it confuses me a little since motility and normal morphology aren't based on what most websites mention, but the doctor didn't say anything to him about the #'s being bad.

Motility, rapid: 26.6% (>=25% is normal)
Motility, slow: 14.9%
Non-progressive: 6.8%
Immotile: 51.7%
Normal Morphology: 13% (>=15% is normal)

Honestly I kind of was hoping it wouldn't be me, but I know that was unlikely! I have PCOS, insulin resistance, vitamin d deficiency and last 7dpo test (only one I've had done so far) showed low progesterone. I have 9 days to go until my appointment and I'm kind of anxious!


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